| Season 11 | Episode 8 |

Join me, Savy for the Final Episode of Season 11, with Helen Bauer an End of Life Educator and Advocate, Leilani Soliven with Premier Benefit Consultants and Henedina Jessop, A Life Solutions Planner! The Caring Caregiver Show, brought to you by Gimme A Break and sponsored by Givers Guides online magazine, your guide to Caregiving! We’re here to bring back the joy of Caregiving, we’re here to connect you to the resources that you need, because you DESERVE some "CARING"
From this Episode:
Helen Bauer - End of Life Educator and Advocate
Leilani Soliven - Premier Benefit Consultants agent, here to help you understand all of your health insurance options and to provide excellent ongoing service
Henedina Jessop - Life Solutions Plannerk
Our Resources:
Gimme a Break - Non profit for caregivers aiming to bring back joy to caregiving, weekly support sessions offering caregivers a chance to relax, renew, resource and revive - Register or register a caregiver for a break.
Givers Guides Magazine - The complete caregiver resource guide. Get your first issue today, as 100% of all profits are donated to support Gimme A Break.
Savy Makalena - founder of Gimme a Break and Givers Guides
Connect with the Caring Caregiver Show:
Facebook Page: Caring Caregiver Show
Instagram: caringcaregivershow
Website: www.caringcaregivershow.com
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